First and foremost when considering a tree that is best for pulling pollutants out of the air, you must consider its physical traits! Naturally, a larger tree can hold more carbon; BUT you must also consider the leaf size of the tree! here are some examples of great trees to plant in your community or own yard to help do your part to control climate change :)
Mature Height: 40-50 feet
Growth per Year: 12-18 feet!
Zones: 5-11
Mature Height: 40-60 feet
Growth Per Year: 5-7 feet
Zones: 3-9
Mature Height: 40-60 feet
Growth Per Year: 4-6 feet
Zones: 3-9
Mature Height: 50-70 feet
Growth Per Year: 6-10 feet
Zones 3-9
These are just some examples. do your own research and find some other good additions ^_^
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This is NOT a Non-Profit Organization,
This is NOT a Charity,
ALL proceeds are received by me personally to be set toward whatever i feel will help achieve future ambitions,
Contributions are accepted via PayPal using the donation button on my blog. this does NOT make it a charity or Donation. simply a contribution,
Contributions recieved are NOT TAX EXEMPT. funds received are strictly used to what i feel would be the advancement of the ReTreeSociety's goals